This past Thursday, February 13th we traveled to Austin to meet with birth-mother, only to have the confirmation that this is our baby, being carried by a loving young woman who is entrusting her child into our care when HE is born in July. We enjoyed our visit with her, LOVED every second of seeing our child on the sonogram screen, hearing his heartbeat, and shedding tears over seeing our baby! We drove home, still in shock, disbelief, and calling our friends and family to share the exciting news. Mom and Dad found out they were getting another grandson, with a cute baseball onsie!
How is this now our reality? What makes us deserve to be able to adopt a child, without an agency? We are beyond greatful, we are so excited to be parents! We are so in love with this child and this birth-mother and the gift she is giving us! Adoption truly is a gift!
This weekend we were able to celebrate with Bryan's family in Oklahoma City, telling Hannah and Kacie about their baby cousin was priceless. I found this book, The Tummy Mummy, and was able to read it to the girls...without boohooing too much, and then show them the picture of the sonogram. They were in shock, so excited!
As we prepare we ask that you pray for birth-mother and baby's health/safety, for her peace of mind and comfort. Pray for a hospital room for us in July when baby arrives.
Thank you for all of your love and support as we continue to walk this road in preparation for becoming parents.