In my Bible study we've been studying Gideon, Gideon had an army of 300 to fight the Midianites who numbered over 100,000 people...
Gideon God won that battle, with the use of Gideon and his men. The relevancy of that story to our story right now is right on target, when have to rely on the grace of God to protect baby and birth mom. Up to this point, there have been several sticky situations with mom's is a brief update, so that you can pray specifically.
We are 27 weeks and 3.2lbs, in the 90th percentile. :) Birth mom has Placentia Previa, and it has dropped completely to her cervix, along with being attached to her C-section scar. HOWEVER, she has not thinned out or dilated, so for hemorrhaging purposes, that is good. She is on full bed-rest for the next week, and as long as she doesn't bleed again in the next week, she can return to her desk job for 3 hours a day...staying on partial bed rest. The high risk OB is on top of things and very aware of the situation and keeping BOTH baby and birth mom's safety at his highest priority. He knows that she will bleed again, as long as they can stop the bleeding and the placenta doesn't tear, we are fine. If she has a 3rd bleed, then she will be hospitalized for bed rest until baby arrives. Today she was given the first of 2 steroid shots to help boost baby's development (from my understanding particularly the lungs), tomorrow she will get shot number 2, and as long as he stays baking until Friday at 11am (not that we are expecting him to arrive before then or even then), the shots will be in his system and he'll have the added "stuff" he needs to finish developing....whether still in birth mom or in NICU.
At this point, we have a scheduled C-section at 34 weeks, June 5th. It's nice to know that he won't arrive any later than that date for the safety of both birth mom and baby. She will be admitted June 4th to be prepped and weaned off of blood thinners (due to blood clots in her leg) that point, baby could make his appearance. My gut feeling, he will be here in May.
I've been kind of an emotional mess today, we are so ready for him to get here, but we want both of them to stay safe. So here are our specific prayer requests...we are firm believers in the power of prayers, so please feel free to pass along to your other prayer warriors.
Please pray for...
- Birth Mom: healing of her blood clots, protection of the cervix, rest and sleep, peace/comfort/support as she learns her new normal after baby, her job to continue to be supportive of her and her pregnancy,
- Baby: he learns to sleep during the night so birth mom can get some rest at night, continued strong weight gain, continued growth & development of his organs and body, to continue to not feel any distress with birth mom's complications, to fully know how loved he is by birth mom, and his biological and adoptive family
- Doctors: Continued diligence in treating her complications seriously, watchful eyes, supporting her and her decision to place baby for adoption, respect her as a person and not just a patient, doing what's best for BOTH of them
- Birth mom's family: peace about her health, peace about her decision, support for themselves and her, wise words to help all involved to heal/grieve
- Us - remain calm, to continue to be reminded that this has totally been the Lord working, nothing we did and nothing we can do, HE has this...we know that...just continued reminding that HE still has this
We are so overjoyed with this whole process, knowing the details of her health, understanding the risks, the joys of a friend hearing his heart beat, feeling him kick/turn somersaults...we know our journey is unique and very rare and for this we are truly thankful...but of course it wouldn't be a "Jessica" situation if there weren't a few extra hiccups. :)
Oh...we think we have a name....maybe after our vacation next week, we'll be ready to make the "official" announcement. Stay tuned and keep those prayers coming!
We love you all!