"I remember the day Jessica told me that she and Brian were going to be parents. A dream that the two of them had carried and fought for. A dreamed that at times seemed as if it would go unfulfilled. I remember the giddy, bouncy way she chatted along sharing her excitement, it was contagious! It wasn't always that perfect, but there were moments when Gods hand reached down and held her and Brian and Cooper and protected them and led them and favored them. And in the moment where it seemed all was lost and everything was for nothing, God moved like a mighty river and changed their eternity. What joy we felt when He prevailed for them! What awe and joy and deep emotions that there are no words for. What tears we wept for this bright boy and these precious new parents! And today, the journey begins anew, for though in the eyes of God, Brian and Jess have always been Coopers mom and dad, today, man recognized what God had done. Brian and Jess . . . May your lifetime be full of Gods handiwork, his blessing and favor and opportunities to honor Him and bring Him glory!!!!"
Today as we drove to the court house I couldn't shut the water works off, and the message from our NICU nurse was the icing on the drive...we love you Jen!! And then as we stood before the judge and our attorney (David Joyce...in Dallas...look him up if you need a PHENOMENAL adoption attorney!) emotion overcame both of us. We are so blessed to have had our family "completed" by our sweet baby Cooper!
Here are just a few pictures from our fabulous day!
What a journey this has been and we are so excited to see the rest of our journey unfold!
Romans 8:28!
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