November is National Adoption month! How has adoption impacted me? 18 years ago I was told I'd probably never have my own children...a tough pill to swallow at 18, that "came true" January 2008 and if it weren't for adoption I wouldn't have this little guy to love! The road was full of bumps, bruises, tears and healing...and I'd do it all over again! Thanks@mixed__beautifully for this challenge! #cooperkenneth #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #thereisanothertagbuticantrememberit #knittogethersomethingorother
Day two of #knittogetherbyadoption -step one - our step one initially was walking towards foster care, feeling that was where The Lord was leading us. We attended our first meeting a year ago this month but it took us until January to pick the agency we would use...we picked our agency, registered for our classes...and then it all changed! #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #cooperkenneth #blessedbyadoption #openadoption
Day 3 - Education - #knittogetherbyadoption - there is no better education than learning your child's needs and cues, no class can prepare you for how your child will develop. Learn together! Grow together! Use your community resources to aid in your learning. Lean on your support system. Be open to change. Know things don't go the way you want but the way our Heavenly Father plans them. Pray a lot! Love your added blessing! #cooperkenneth #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #openadoption
Day 4 - family photo - #knittogetherbyadoption - no tribe just the 3 of us and the dog. I would love more, some day if the door opens again (my dream is an orphan Ugandan), but for now we are beyond thankful for our baby Cooper, our super trooper! #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #cooperkenneth #blessedbyadoption
Day 5 - anticipation - #knittogetherbyadoption - I LOVE Christmas, our little 1200sq ft house explodes at Christmas.....last Christmas we said...this 'could' be our last Christmas just the two of us...we had no idea about the call we would get in February...meeting birth mom for the sono...finding out baby was a boy...hearing his heartbeat...seeing him on the screen...having a peace knowing that baby would be ours....unsure of what our open adoption would look like...a little scared but more excited! As the weeks pressed on my anticipation turned into concern for our birth mom's complications, I knew our little guy would be okay, but would his tummy mummy be ok? Planning his perfect room, sorting through names, reassuring friends and family that it was okay for us to get ready for him...he would be ours...our original due date of July 17 was bumped to June, then May 22 to keep mom and baby safe...waiting in the waiting room to hear that they were both ok....all those feelings were happy anticipation, not filled with worry...Bryan worried, I didn't...I had a peace that could only come from above, my faith had grown so much over the past year....he arrived and then my fear hit and Bryan's peace set in....little did we know the road of sheer joy and then devastation we would encounter in the coming weeks! #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #blessedbyadoption #openadoption #cooperkenneth #nationaladoptionmonth
Day 6 - Prayer- #knittogetherbyadoption - this precious picture was taken at Cooper' two nephews were tucked down in Cooper's car seat while we got dinner ready, I snuck around to get a picture and realized Knox was praying with Nolan and Cooper. *tears* that's just a small snippet of how prayer has played a roll in our miracle baby - but the most memorable prayers took place without any of us present - 4 Godly ladies that I used to teach with would gather and pray every day after school from the time Cooper was born - The Lord clearly speaking to each of them the afternoon we lost our custody of Cooper, mid prayer The Lord changed their prayer from comforting us to guiding us as we don't just let go, that he Lord promised Cooper to us and He be ours, all in God's timing. We were home from NICU for 3 weeks before they came to pray over us and share this with us. One week later, a new attorney & birth mom's help that prayer was answered and we had our little guy back!! - there was a lot of emotion as we gained our access back to NICU - another prayer answered was that his angel nurse, Jenn, who was with him and us the night he was born had stayed with him the 4 weeks we were gone, loving him a little extra, telling him about us...even though she had no idea if or when we'd be back! Our sweet Jenn was with us our last night and many many tears were shed as her shift ended but that didn't end the friendship and the connection we have with her! The night after we left was her last shift and she moved north! *tears* Cooper's onesie at dedication says "I am an answer to prayers" some day he will understand the magnitude of that outfit for his dedication! #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #blessedbyadoption #cooperkenneth #coopersdedication #cousinsarethebest #answertoprayer
Day 7 - documentation - #knittogetherbyadoption - todays's topic is fitting since I'm at a craft retreat working on scrapbooks...I've been a life journaler (aka scrapbook FANATIC) for 14 years....and even more so for our sweet boy! I journal often and chronicle everything in his scrapbooks...yes, books plural! Cooper knowing his story when the time is right is so important! I began "adoption" journaling through my blog...writing is healing, writing is therapy, I can't wait to see how the ret of our story goes! #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #blessedbyadoption #cooperkenneth #scrapbookaddict #stampinup #stampinupdemonstrator
Day 8 - speaking out - #knittogetherbyadoption - my life, my struggles, my journey have been an open else can we show others the miracles of our savior? I've learned so much about myself when I openly share. My story has helped others. Sharing my view point, my struggle with deciding to go ahead with my hysterectomy before my Prince Charming arrived wasn't the most popular idea among many of my friends and family but they didn't live in the constant pain I had lived in for 13 years....and now with adoption, my heart with hating with others is even greater! And now with this adoption community I'm so blessed to read about others journey through open adoption and how strongly we feel (despite what others around us think) about Cooper being a huge part of his biological family's life...we wouldn't have him if it weren't for them. Am I fearful about it? No! Do I worry about hurting him? No, because I know that we won't put him in situations where the hurt will be intentional. Will he always understand how loved he was? Yes! He will know how we fought for him, along side his biological family because they wanted him to be with us. Will it e easy, nope...nothing in my life has been "easy" best friend was praying for us at the beginning of this process and she told me her selfish prayer was for our process to be "easy".... It wasn't easy, but it was exactly what God wanted it to be. A test of our faith and His demonstration of faithfulness to us, His children! #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #blessedbyadoption #cooperkenneth #openadoption
Day 9 - Happy World Adoption Day - #knittogetherbyadoption - there is nothing in this world I wouldn't do for this little man! He is the biggest blessing! The most loved little guy! His Godstory has already affected many, he will continue to do so! Amazing Grace! #cooperkenneth #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #blessedbyadoption #worldadoptionday
Day 10 - birth - #knittogetherbyadoption - this is a sweet picture of Cooper's birth mama with him in NICU a day after he was born. She shared her time with him with us those first few days. The joy and pain in brought to all of us was life changing, but we wouldn't trade it for anything. The love his has for him is extraordinarily special. We were lucky to have been there along side her. It may not have gone as we had hoped at the 48 hour mark, but how does one expect it to be easy for a birth mom to "walk away?" We shouldn't expect it to. As I was hurt that it didn't go as we hoped, she was hurting more....from the very beginning we said we wanted what was best for her, because her long term well being is just as important as Cooper's well being. She named him a name that was special and we will always honor that, he will know that the love she has for him is huge, the sacrifice she made is the biggest and hardest gift anyone will ever give us! We ❤️our tummy mummy very much! #blessedbyadoption #cooperkenneth #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks
Day 11 - remember - #knittogetherbyadoption - I have thought and thought about this one.....we need to remember who to give the glory to for this bundle....we remember life before we had him and it just doesn't begin to compare....I want to remember every change, all his growth, so some day I can share it with his tummy mummy. I email her every few weeks pictures, knowing she may or may not look at it now, but she will when she's ready. I scrapbook (digitally thankfully) every thing I can, I write down the mile stones and our feelings....he may not remember but he will know how loved he is! #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #cooperkenneth #openadoption #blessedbyadoption
Day 12 & 13 - #knittogetherbyadoption - describe it & caseworker lumped in to one - when we knew the little guy was to be ours we thought the process would be easy...found a "great" attorney, learned how different an independent adoption is without an agency....what we didn't expect was for our first attorney to tuck his tail when things got complicated. Even the social worker wasn't standing her ground To help us. We were lied to by our attorney and taken advantage of...and all we could do was pray that the right people were taking care if him in NICU and that he would not be released until the mess was sorted out. The longest, toughest month of our life....after being told to "just wait it out, wait for _____ or _______" to happen and then we will take action. Screw that! Do your job and fight for won't...okay fine, you are fired and we will find someone who will help us. A long road to the RIGHT attorney and the right social worker...but they gave us the info we needed, the info birth mom and her sis needed to take action to help us get our little guy back...a week later we had seen a judge, moms rights terminated and we were guardians...still waiting on paternity registry, attorney ready to go to battle against "paternity" but The Lord of course had his hand in it battle necessary, our battle had been fought and won! Praise The Lord! Cooper will always know how we fought with his tummy mummy to get him back! The love we have for her is so immense! The strength we now have was worth the struggle, and he is worth it! #openadoption #cooperkenneth #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks
Day 14- choosing your battles - #knittogetherbyadoption - whatever the battle may do what's in the best interest of the child! Hence why we didn't give up fighting for what was best for this smiley little guy! Battles aren't easy but the children are worth every second! #cooperkenneth #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #blessedbyadoption #openadoption
Day 15 - #knittogetherbyadoption - education - having been a teacher for ten years, many kiddos asked me why I was never pregnant, why I didn't have a time went by it got easier to say that years ago my insides were "sick" and I can't have a baby but that we would adopt a baby one day....being open in that way to my students is the reason we have Cooper! I taught Cooper's biological cousin in 3rd grade, I went from Mrs. Cozens to Aunt Jess! --- being open with my students was always important to me, of course I never went in to detail, but my hysterectomy was ever a secret, never taboo, the parents of my students asked...if they asked about my career goals it was an open conversation that we would adopt and it was important to us for me to be home, but that I would work from home. -- when it came to explaining to our nieces when we learned about Cooper we used the book "The Tummy Mummy" a great folk tale type story, showing the love on both sides. As our nephews grow up along side Cooper talk of adoption will always be open! -- when Cooper is of school age, I'm not sure what that will look like, preferably not a traditional school, but only The Lord knows that answer, whatever it may be, the dialogue will be open and there will be lots of love spoken in regards to adoption and his birth family. Plus we are lucky to be close to his bio aunt/uncle/cousins! #blessedbyadoption #openadoption #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #cooperkenneth
Day 16 - #knittogetherbyadoption - quote - as we started the adoption process this scripture was in a study I was doing by @priscillashirer and it spoke to me over and over again. Now I'm waiting on my tattoo artist to create it for my tattoo to represent this journey in our lives. #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #blessedbyadoption #cooperkenneth
World Premature Day and Day 17 - if you really knew me - #knittogetherbyadoption - here was our little guy the day he graduated from NICU! His first 5 weeks there was his angels keeping him there until we could officially be his mom and dad! - if you really knew me....that's hard because I'm an open book....I didn't know that our time (the first 5 days and his last 7 days of his 6 week stay) in NICU would be a breeze. The beeping, cords, blood work, doctors, nurses did not phase me.... If you really knew me you would know how hard it was for me to let go and not worry! #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #cooperkenneth #nicugraduate #worldprematureday #blessedbyadoption
I didn't know it was Preemie Day until a little bit ago! I wore purple today without planning it! Hard to believe this sleeping babe was born at 32 weeks and will be 6 months on Saturday! #sweetbaby #cooperkenneth #nicubaby #nicugraduate #slowdown #blessedbyadoption
It's finally here!!!! Day 19 - rights - day 20 - men - #knittogetherbyadoption - first of all serious happy tears over the arrival of Coop's birth certificate. Adoption rights...for many many years I prepared myself for the process of's hard to think that as long as your uterus works you can have a baby....but if your uterus doesn't work you get to have your life invaded to see if you are "fit" to be a parent & raise a child. Now I get that it's a woman's right to have a child, and I get that what adoptive families go through is keeping kids safe, but still! What if every OB/GYN and pregnancy center made every expectant family go through what we go through? Would our foster care programs change because CPS would be involved sooner? You may say that invades the rights of the pregnant woman... But what would it really do to protect the kids?? The topic of men then falls into place...we "lost" Cooper for 4 weeks due to a "bio-dad" wanting to claim he wanted Cooper, when in all reality he just wanted to use him as his pawn....but the hospital took our rights away because this man came forward claiming to be those 4 weeks the hospital had reported him ("dad") to CPS....but yet Cooper was scheduled to leave the hospital with this "dad"...who never changed his diaper, fed him, never spent more than 10 minutes at a time with him and didn't hold him... Then when he was removed from the hospital for family violence and his name was legally removed from the claim of paternity (a birth mom's right to do) he called the nurse and said he was leaving! And you "wanted" your child? He did nothing to earn the right to be a dad! Being a dad is so much more than donating your sperm! We thank God every day for his birth mom and her fight to do what was in the best interest of her and her child! #openadoption #cooperkenneth #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #blessedbyadoption
Day 20 - unique - #knittogetherbyadoption - today is unique in our family as it's Cooper's Mama Maria's birthday! Right now our only communication is via she heals her heart. I wish I could call her, send her flowers and spoil her for the gift she gave us is far more than I can ever begin to repay! We pray that she is reading our emails and feels how much we love her! All of this is what makes adoption unique...our situation is different than my dear friend Shelby's adoption @theshelbsmg, our adoption is unique compared to what we thought it would be! Each of our adoptions are special and hold/will hold it's own challenges, but that's what makes adoption so beautiful!!! #cooperkenneth #openadoption #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #weloveourtummymummysomuch #blessedbyadoption
Day 21 -screen time & day 22- DNA- #knittogetherbyadoption This little nugget of entertainment is 6 months old today! If only we knew what what adventure was to come and still yet to come! - in regards to screen time I guess I would say my favorite is The Blind Side...a true testament that to be family you don't have to match, you don't have to share blood, and you don't have to come to be a part of the family as a baby. DNA is just a part of us, it does not define us and is not our single make up of who we are! Our definition is formed in Christ, this little fella of personality has an incredible God-story and we can't wait to see what He has in store for our sweet Super Cooper Trooper! #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #blessedbyadoption #openadoption #cooperkenneth #somuchattitudeandheisonly6months
Day 23 - then & now - #knittogetherbyadoption - Cooper was 5 weeks old when we finally had our court order of legal guardianship, we were 1 week away from getting out of NICU. And now 6 months old! Hard to believe how fast time has flown! #slowdown #sleepyboy #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #blessedbyadoption #cooperkenneth #lovehisCHEEKS
Day 24 - adoption outfit(s) of the day- #knittogetherbyadoption - Cooper needed special outfits for Adoption Day and Baby Dedication so I had these made for those occasions! Do you see the typo? It sat on the back of our couch for days while we admired it and NEVER noticed, a friend ended up pointing it out. Typo or no typo we LOVE them! The one outfit I regret not getting a specific picture of was the "mommy" onesie his nurse Jen put him in the day we gained our access back in to NICU. 😞 oh well, we have the memory! #nicugraduate #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #cooperkenneth #adoptionoutfits
Day 21 -screen time & day 22- DNA- #knittogetherbyadoption This little nugget of entertainment is 6 months old today! If only we knew what what adventure was to come and still yet to come! - in regards to screen time I guess I would say my favorite is The Blind Side...a true testament that to be family you don't have to match, you don't have to share blood, and you don't have to come to be a part of the family as a baby. DNA is just a part of us, it does not define us and is not our single make up of who we are! Our definition is formed in Christ, this little fella of personality has an incredible God-story and we can't wait to see what He has in store for our sweet Super Cooper Trooper! #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #blessedbyadoption #openadoption #cooperkenneth #somuchattitudeandheisonly6months
Day 23 - then & now - #knittogetherbyadoption - Cooper was 5 weeks old when we finally had our court order of legal guardianship, we were 1 week away from getting out of NICU. And now 6 months old! Hard to believe how fast time has flown! #slowdown #sleepyboy #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #blessedbyadoption #cooperkenneth #lovehisCHEEKS
Day 24 - adoption outfit(s) of the day- #knittogetherbyadoption - Cooper needed special outfits for Adoption Day and Baby Dedication so I had these made for those occasions! Do you see the typo? It sat on the back of our couch for days while we admired it and NEVER noticed, a friend ended up pointing it out. Typo or no typo we LOVE them! The one outfit I regret not getting a specific picture of was the "mommy" onesie his nurse Jen put him in the day we gained our access back in to NICU. 😞 oh well, we have the memory! #nicugraduate #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #cooperkenneth #adoptionoutfits
Day 25 - strange things people say & day 26 - finalization day - #knittogetherbyadoption - for me the strange things people say has been minimal...mostly it's in regards to our open adoption...something we wanted from the get go....we NEEDED to know they would be around, we let go of that worry a long time ago, to do what would be best for Cooper.....but some say....aren't you afraid his bio family will come take him from you? Or "you leave him at their house and leave?" Well, yes, yes we do! They fought along side us for us to be together! So no, I'm not worried they will take him...they can't, he's ours! And yes, they babysit, he's their family too! They are our family too! --- our finalization day was just 2 months ago and was so special...and yes, his bio- aunt was there, standing by us as it became official. We were blessed to be surrounded by those that love us in the courtroom! #openadoption #adoptionrocks #adoptionlove #cooperkenneth
Day 27 - validation - #knittogetherbyadoption - Happy Thanksgiving - this dear dear friend@britbritster was the first friend phone call I made after we got the call about Cooper! I needed someone to cry with me...and someone to pray...and someone to tell me it was okay to be hopeful that this was to be our baby!! My Pretty Brity has had an incredible impact on my faith walk, so today, she is my validation for a huge part of our walk! Being able to spend time together at the Turkey Trot 5K was super special! #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #cooperkenneth #firstturkeytrot #blessedbyadoption #loveher
Day 28 - World Wide Web - #knittogetherbyadoption - in 2012 my dear friend Jenn @robifer10 told me I needed to check out Lisa's @lisadodson79 blog about adoption. I knew who Lisa was from my two years of high school in Beaumont but didn't really know I felt a little creepy reading her entire blog. I spent many nights crying as I read all the way back to the start..... I was reading the thoughts and feelings that I felt and could not vocalize easily. After I finished I sent her a message...after awhile we connected....they moved to the Dallas area and now we have this incredible friendship! Chase and Lisa shared with us their walk and emotions, which was great to hear! We are super blessed to have them in our lives!!! #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #foreverfriends #blessedbyadoption
Day 29 - closure - #knittogetherbyadoption - I've read so many other's posts, connected with so many other open adoption families, it warms my heart to read about their journeys....with open adoption there isn't necessarily closure. There was closure to hurt feelings and what we thought was betrayal, but that was pure forgiveness...forget and move on. If that's closure...then so be it. We had closure to our long wait to become parents. We were lucky to avoid dealing with an agency. We had closure as we fired our first attorney, who happily took our money for not doing his job....and we very gladly moved on to our amazing attorney to helped us get closure to our separation from Cooper in NICU. I do look forward to a little bit of "closure" on only getting 3-4 hours if sleep at a time at night. And "closure" to not taking naps during the day would've fabulous! 😋 #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #blessedbyadoption #openadoption #cooperkenneth #6monthpictures
Day 30- next step - #knittogetherbyadoption - our next steps....raise a Godly son who is kind to others and loves The Lord and feels loved by all of his family! Beyond that, only the man upstairs has the insight into that! I used to say a sticky note beside my bed would be great, but nah! I'm good with Him revealing himself when He feels fitting! #adoptionlove #adoptionrocks #blessedbyadoption #theendofnationaladoptionmonth #nationaladoptionmonth #cooperkenneth
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